Who are we


Builds upon the diversity of our cultures and spirituality whose roots lie at the core of our Asian identity and values Restores the rights and sustainable management of communities over their resources and livelihood Recognizes the autonomy of communities to design and realize their own development with gender equity and human development Restores and enhances the freedom and self-governance of grassroots communities and places them at the center of development.

Enable people to achieve self-reliance and self-sufficiency in their basic needs, live in a culture of peace and harmony and organize themselves to deal with all forces that impede their empowerment.

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Worldwide Client
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Our Vision

Vibrant, peaceful, diverse Asian rural communities, living in harmony with nature as stewards of the earth, whose members are able to realize their full human potentials, collectively chart their path to development, provide for their present and future needs, and share equitably the fruits of their labors in community celebrations of Life

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Our Advisors

Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain.

Michale Joe

Vice President

Johney Joe

Finance Manager

Johney Joe

HR Manager


Club number 24912 of Rotary District 3060 was Chartered on August 26, 1987, and started with 27 members and has now grown to a family of 150+ members from various vocations in service to humanity. We follow the Rotary International principle of “Service above self”.

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